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What’s with the Pig? – Pink Pig Apparel by Shelton Clothiers
BlogWhat’s with the Pig? That is a question I hear more than once a day here at Shelton Clothiers. You see, I don’t know anyone who has played polo, or even seen a match for that matter, so we put a little pink pig on a polo shirt 5 years ago and the response was […]
[Infographic] What your clothes’ colors say about you.
BlogWhat do your favorite colors say about your personality? Each time you wear a color, you’re might be signaling certain personality traits without even realizing it. For men, a great way to show off a favorite color is through a tie. Tie colors can reflect your mood. Putting the right tie with your suit can set […]
Making a Comeback – Men’s Vests in Memphis
BlogMen’s Vests are a fashion item that has seen a bit of a comeback lately. The trend has been to make it a more hip, casual clothing item rather than a stuffy old man’s suit accessory. Vests Have Always Been Popular The vest has a long history in men’s and women’s fashion. These wardrobe […]
What is Business Casual?
BlogWe’re often asked in our men’s clothing store in downtown Memphis: what is business casual? Business casual is a term that popped up almost 30 years ago. It describes a trend in business wear that moves away from the traditional suit and tie and introduces to the work place, casual clothing. At the time, most […]
What makes some suits cost more than others?
BlogI’m asked all the time why some suits cost more than others. The answer is the same as any product on the market, whether it’s a suit, a washing machine, or a lawn mower. Time and materials dictate the price of anything. The amount of time put into the product and the quality of materials […]
Men’s Fashion for the Fall in Memphis
BlogDressing for fall in Memphis is not unlike most of the country. Memphis, like most of the country, enjoys four seasons. Fall in Memphis can be considered a transitional period from very hot to moderately cold. The temperatures are mild enough to wear those light sweaters and jackets as well as a more substantial […]