Suit Buying 101: Accesories

[one_half]men's accessories memphis

Choosing men’s accessories sometimes can be difficult because it is so easy to do. Some men just over think it but most do not give it enough thought.

It starts with the shirt and tie

Basically, accessories for a man wearing a suit, is a shirt and tie. In most cases that is simple enough if wearing a dark suit and a white or blue shirt. It is hard to mismatch such a combination. The trick comes when the suit and or the shirt has a pattern. Patterns can be blended but must coordinate. With patterns, 90% of the time just putting them together and looking at them will tell you if they fight or not.


It is always best to get a second opinion. Getting your local clothier involved is always a good idea. Remember, this is what they do for a living like here at Shelton Clothiers in downtown Memphis. One good rule is to keep the size of your patters different. Small patters work well with large patterns, small plaids will work with large stripes and so on.


Consider accessories when you Purchase your suit

Once you have picked out a suit is the best time to think about shirt and tie. Never assume, unless you have an extensive wardrobe, that you have just the thing. Even if you don’t buy right then, look and see what goes together and compare with what you already have. Work with your salesperson to see what works.  It may be that you have just the thing already in your closet.


A pocket square is always a good idea. Even if you just put a white square in your pocket, it makes a nice impression. The color should coordinate with your shirt and tie. Pattern ones should follow the previous rule. Keep you patterns mixed up. For the man who chooses not to wear a tie, a pocket square really makes sense. It is the new tie and ads a dash of color to your outfit.


Lately we have had a lot of interest in the tie bar. It is also a nice touch. It adds a little bit of togetherness to your look. I believe a tie bar says I am paying attention to how I look and I care to keep my tie out of my soup.


Other than a tie bar, I am not a big fan of jewelry. Some men like to flaunt wealth with expensive rings and bracelets. I am not impressed with it and do not recommend it. It really depends on your personal taste. If you have an heirloom handed down from a relative and you would like to wear it. Do so, just not in an office setting.


Men’s Accessories in Memphis

If you’re shopping for men’s clothes in Memphis, stop by Shelton Clothiers and we’ll get you started a new outfit for any occasion.
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